Bajpai D.,Best A.,Ostrovskiy I.,Poitras D.,Wang W.
Coating detector materials with films highly reflective in
the vacuum ultraviolet region improves sensitivity of the
next-generation rare-event detectors that use liquid xenon. In this
work, we investigate the MgF2-Al-MgF2 coating designed to
achieve high reflectance at 175 nm, the mean wavelength of liquid
xenon (LXe) scintillation. The coating was applied to an unpolished,
passivated copper substrate mimicking a realistic detector component
of the proposed nEXO experiment, as well as to two unpassivated
substrates with “high” and “average” levels of polishing. After
confirming the composition and morphology of the thin-film coating
using TEM and EDS, the samples underwent reflectance measurements in
LXe and gaseous nitrogen (GN2). Measurements in LXe exposed the
coated samples to -100°C for several hours. No peeling of
the coatings was observed after several thermal cycles. Polishing is
found to strongly correlate with the measured specular reflectance
spec). In particular, 5.8(5)% specular spike
reflectance in LXe was measured for the realistic sample at
20° of incidence, while the values for similar angles of
incidence on the high and average polish samples are 62.3(1.3)% and
27.4(7)%, respectively. At large angles (66°–75°),
the R
spec in LXe for the three samples increases to
23(5)%, 80(8)%, and 84(18)%, respectively. The
spec at around 45° was measured in both GN2
and LXe for average polish sample and shows a reasonable agreement.
Importantly, the total reflectance of the samples is comparable and
estimated to be 92(8)%, 85(8)%, and 83(8)% in GN2 for the
realistic, average, and high polish samples, respectively. This is
considered satisfactory for the next-generation LXe experiments that
could benefit from using reflective films, such as nEXO and DARWIN,
thus validating the design of the coating.