Exploring the Shadow of a Rotating Charged ModMax Black Hole


Karshiboev Khurshid,Atamurotov Farruh,Abdujabbarov Ahmadjon,Ovgun Ali,Reyimberganov Anvar


Abstract The research presented in this paper discusses the impact that the parameters of charge ($Q$) and screening factor ($\gamma$) have on properties of the horizon and silhouette of rotating charged ModMax black holes which were reviewed in [Eur.~Phys.~J.~C (2022)~82:1155]recently, building upon previous findings in the field. Furthermore, the study explores the behavior of null geodesics, which can help us better understand the apparent shape of the black hole's silhouette, as well as the distortion parameter and approximate radii of the silhouette that are influenced by the aforementioned parameters and there are some values of parameter $Q$ which corresponds to data from EHT. Notably, we explore the distortion parameter and approximate radii of the silhouette, revealing that while an increase in $\gamma$ leads to a growth in silhouette radius ($R_s$), it simultaneously reduces the distortion rate ($\delta_s$). Conversely, heightened $Q$ charge results in a reduction of $R_s$ accompanied by an increase in $\delta_s$. Lastly, the paper analyzes the effects of black hole's parameters on the effective potential and energy emission that the peak of the energy emission rate experiences a decline as the screening factor ($\gamma$) increases, while it ascends with higher values of the charge parameter ($Q$).


IOP Publishing


Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)

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