Graphical representations and worm algorithms for the O(N) spin model


Liu Longxiang,Zhang Lei,Tan Xiaojun,Deng Youjin


Abstract We present a family of graphical representations for the O(N) spin model, where N ≥ 1 represents the spin dimension, and N = 1, 2, 3 corresponds to the Ising, XY and Heisenberg models, respectively. With an integer parameter 0 ≤ N/2, each configuration is the coupling of copies of subgraphs consisting of directed flows and N − 2 copies of subgraphs constructed by undirected loops, which we call the XY and Ising subgraphs, respectively. On each lattice site, the XY subgraphs satisfy the Kirchhoff flow-conservation law and the Ising subgraphs obey the Eulerian bond condition. Then, we formulate worm-type algorithms and simulate the O(N) model on the simple-cubic lattice for N from 2 to 6 at all possible . It is observed that the worm algorithm has much higher efficiency than the Metropolis method, and, for a given N, the efficiency is an increasing function of . Besides Monte Carlo simulations, we expect that these graphical representations would provide a convenient basis for the study of the O(N) spin model by other state-of-the-art methods like the tensor network renormalization.


Innovation Program for Quantum Science and Technology

National Natural Science Foundation of China

National Key Research and Development Program of China


IOP Publishing


Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)







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