Dai Ling-Yun,Kang Xian-Wei,Luo Tao,Meißner Ulf-G.
In this paper we propose a dispersive method to describe two-body scattering with unitarity imposed. This approach is applied to elastic ππ scattering. The amplitudes keep single-channel unitarity and describe the experimental data well, and the low-energy amplitudes are consistent with that of chiral perturbation theory. The pole locations of the σ, f
0(980), ρ(770) and f
2(1270) and their couplings to ππ are obtained. A virtual state appearing in the isospin-two S-wave is confirmed. The correlations between the left (and right) hand cut and the poles are discussed. Our results show that the poles are more sensitive to the right hand cut rather than the left hand cut. The proposed method could be used to study other two-body scattering processes.
Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
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4 articles.