The functional origins of bird flight remain unresolved despite a diversity of hypothesized selective factors. Fossil taxa phylogenetically intermediate between typical theropod dinosaurs and modern birds exhibit dense aggregations of feathers on their forelimbs, and the evolving morphologies and kinematic activational patterns of these structures could have progressively enhanced aerodynamic force production over time. However, biomechanical functionality of flapping in such transitional structures is unknown. We evaluated a robot inspired by paravian morphology to model the effects of incremental increases in wing length, wingbeat frequency, and stroke amplitude on aerial performance. From a launch height of 2.8 m, wing elongation most strongly influenced distance travelled and time aloft for all frequency-amplitude combinations, although increased frequency and amplitude also enhanced performance. Furthermore, we found interaction effects among these three parameters such that when the wings were long, higher values of either wingbeat frequency or stroke amplitude synergistically improved performance. For launches from a height of 5.0 m, the effects of these flapping parameters appear to diminish such that only flapping at the highest frequency (5.7 Hz) and amplitude (60°) significantly increased performance. Our results suggest that a gliding animal at the physical scale relevant to bird flight origins, and with transitional wings, can improve aerodynamic performance via rudimentary wing flapping at relatively low frequencies and amplitudes. Such gains in horizontal translation and time aloft, as those found in this study, are likely to be advantageous for any taxon that engages in aerial behavior for purposes of transit or escape. This study thus demonstrates aerodynamic benefits of transition from a gliding stage to full-scale wing flapping in paravian taxa.
University of California, Berkeley, class of 1993 Chair in the Biological Sciences
Engineering (miscellaneous),Molecular Medicine,Biochemistry,Biophysics,Biotechnology