Comment on ‘In complexity we trust: learning from the socialist calculation debate for ecosystem management’


Bingham Logan RobertORCID,Van Kleunen LucyORCID,Kolisnyk BohdanORCID,Nahorna OlhaORCID,Tupinambà-Simões FredericoORCID,Reynolds KeithORCID,Yousefpour Rasoul,Knoke ThomasORCID


Abstract Using a metaphor based on a historical debate between socialist and free-market economists, Salliou and Stritih (Environ. Res. Lett. 18 151001) advocate for decentralizing environmental management to harness emergent complexity and promote ecosystem health. Concerningly, however, their account seems to leave little room for top-down processes like government-led sustainability programs or centrally-planned conservation initiatives, the cornerstone of the post-2020 biodiversity framework. While we appreciate their call for humbleness, we offer a few words in defense of planning. Drawing on evidence from ecology, economics, and systems theory, we argue that (1) more complexity is not always better; (2) even if it were, mimicking minimally-regulated markets is probably not the best way to get it; and (3) sophisticated decision support tools can support humble planning under uncertainty. We sketch a re-interpretation of the socialist calculation debate that highlights the role of synthesis and theoretical pluralism. Rather than abandoning big-picture thinking, scientists must continue the difficult work of strengthening connections between and across multiple social, ecological, and policy scales.


H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions


IOP Publishing


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,General Environmental Science,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

Reference97 articles.

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4. LV Kantorovich: the price implications of optimal planning;Gardner;J. Econ. Lit.,1990

5. Will a large complex system be stable?;May;Nature,1972







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