Sui Qiang-Tao,Qui Xiang-Gang
Modulated electronic state due to the layered crystal structures brings about moderate anisotropy of superconductivity in the iron-based superconductors and thus Abrikosov vortices are expected in the mixed state. However, based on the angular and temperature dependent transport measurements in iron-based superconductor Ca10(Pt3As8)((Fe0.9Pt0.1)2As2)5 with T
c ≃ 12 K, we find clear evidences of a crossover from Abrikosov vortices to Josephson vortices at a crossover temperature T* ≃ 7 K, when the applied magnetic field is parallel to the superconducting FeAs layers, i.e., the angle between the magnetic field and the FeAs layers θ = 0°. This crossover to Josephson vortices is demonstrated by an abnormal decrease (increase) of the critical current (flux-flow resistance) below T*, in contrast to the increase (decrease) of the critical current (flux-flow resistance) above T* expected for Abrikosov vortices. Furthermore, when θ is larger than 0.5°, the flux-flow resistance and critical current have no anomalous behaviors across T*. These anomalous behaviors can be understood in terms of the distinct transition from the well-pinned Abrikosov vortices to the weakly-pinned Josephson vortices upon cooling, when the coherent length perpendicular to the FeAs layers ξ
⊥ becomes shorter than half of the interlayer distance d/2. These experimental findings indicate the existence of intrinsic Josephson junctions below T* and thus quasi-two-dimensional superconductivity in Ca10(Pt3As8)((Fe0.9Pt0.1)2As2)5, similar to those in the cuprate superconductors.
General Physics and Astronomy