Steering the energy sharing of electrons in nonsequential double ionization with orthogonally polarized two-color field


Fan 樊 Guangqi 光琦,Yang 杨 Zhijie 志杰,Sun 孙 Fenghao 烽豪,Zheng 郑 Jinmei 金梅,Han 韩 Yuntian 云天,Huang 黄 Mingqian 明谦,Liu 刘 Qingcao 情操


Abstract Using the semiclassical ensemble model, the dependence of relative amplitude for the recollision dynamics in nonsequential double ionization (NSDI) of neon atom driven by the orthogonally polarized two-color field (OTC) laser field is theoretically studied. And the dynamics in two typical collision pathways, recollision-impact-ionization (RII) and recollision-excitation with subsequent ionization (RESI), is systematically explored. Our results reveal that the V-shaped structure in the correlated momentum distribution is mainly caused by the RII mechanism when the relative amplitude of the OTC laser field is zero, and the first ionized electrons will quickly skim through the nucleus and share few energy with the second electron. As the relative amplitude increases, the V-shaped structure gradually disappears and electrons are concentrated on the diagonal in the electron correlation spectrum, indicating that the energy sharing after electrons collision is symmetric for OTC laser fields with large relative amplitudes. Our studies show that changing the relative amplitude of the OTC laser field can efficiently control the electron–electron collisions and energy exchange efficiency in the NSDI process.


IOP Publishing







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