Discharge mode and particle transport in radio frequency capacitively coupled Ar/O2 plasma discharges


Gao 高 Zhuo-Yao 卓瑶,Dong 董 Wan 婉,Tian 田 Chong-Biao 崇彪,Jiang 蒋 Xing-Zhao 星照,Dai 戴 Zhong-Ling 忠玲,Song 宋 Yuan-Hong 远红


Abstract Simulations are conducted on capacitively coupled Ar/O2 mixed gas discharges employing a one-dimensional fluid coupled with an electron Monte Carlo (MC) model. The research explores the impact of different O2 ratio and pressures on the discharge characteristics of Ar/O2 plasma. At a fixed Ar/O2 gas ratio, with the increasing pressure, higher ion densities, as well as a slight increase in electron density in the bulk region can be observed. The discharge remains dominated by the drift–ambipolar (DA) mode, and the flux of O(3P) at the electrode increases with the increasing pressure due to higher background gas density, while the fluxes of O(1D) and Ar* decrease due to the pronounced loss rate. With the increasing proportion of O2, a change in the dominant discharge mode from α mode to DA mode can be detected, and the O2-associated charged particle densities are significantly increased. However, Ar+ density shows a trend of increasing and then decreasing, while for neutral fluxes at the electrode, Ar* flux decreases, and O(3P) flux increases with the reduced Ar gas proportion, while trends in O(1D) flux show slight differences. The evolution of the densities of the charged particle and the neutral fluxes under different discharge parameters are discussed in detail using the ionization characteristics as well as the transport properties. Hopefully, more comprehensive understanding of Ar/O2 discharge characteristics in this work will provide a valuable reference for the industry.


IOP Publishing








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