Ding Guanyun,Zhang Yichao,Wang Linshi,Zhang Yuxian,Huang Jianqi,Liu Kaiqi,Gu Yuyue,Nie Zhaogang,Liu Guanyu
The UIO-66 studied in this paper exhibits unprecedented thermal stability with a very high surface area and mechanical strength. This unique combination of properties opens up a wide range of promising applications. Here, we investigate the saturable absorption effects and ultrafast photonic applications of UIO-66. It shows that UIO-66 could emerge as a novel nonlinear material for ultrafast optics. By fabricating a real saturable absorber and incorporating it into a passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser, traditional solitons with a pulse duration of 0.96 ps at a repetition rate of 4.12 MHz have been obtained. The mode-locked spectrum centered at 1562.4 nm features a full width at half maximum of 3.5 nm. Our results may trigger follow-up investigations on the optical properties of UIO-66 and pave potential avenues for photonic and optoelectronic applications.