Lifshitz transition underlying the metamagnetic transition of UPt3


McCollam A,Fu Mingxuan,Julian S RORCID


Abstract Comparing quantum oscillation measurements, dc magnetoresistance measurements, and Fermi surfaces obtained from LDA calculations, we argue that the metamagnetic transition of UPt3, which occurs at an applied field μ H M ∼ 20 T, coincides with a Lifshitz transition at which an open orbit on the band 2 hole-like Fermi surface becomes closed for one spin direction. At low field, proximity of the Fermi energy to this particular van Hove singularity may have implications for the superconducting pairing potential of UPt3. In our picture the magnetization comes from non-linear spin-splitting of the heavy fermion bands. In support of this, we show that the non-linear field dependence of a particular quantum oscillation frequency can be fitted by assuming that the corresponding extremal Fermi surface area is proportional to the magnetization. In addition, below H M , we find in our LDA calculations a new, non-central orbit on band 1, whose non-linear behaviour explains a field-dependent frequency recently observed in magnetoacoustic quantum oscillation measurements.



Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada


IOP Publishing


Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science

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