Comparison of transport coefficients before and after density pump-out induced by resonant magnetic perturbation using a BOUT++ six-field model on the EAST tokamak


DENG 邓 Chengcheng 成成,LIU 刘 Zixi 子奚,XIA 夏 Tianyang 天阳,LIU 刘 Yanjun 彦君,LI 厉 Pengcheng 鹏程,LONG 龙 Feifei 飞飞,GAO 高 Xiang 翔,WANG 王 Shouxin 守信,LI 李 Guoqiang 国强,LIU 刘 Haiqing 海庆,ZANG 臧 Qing 庆,LI 李 Jiuying 玖瑛,YANG 杨 Kangning 康宁,WU 吴 Mingfu 茗甫,YIN 尹 Xiaoyu 晓宇,LI 李 Hong 弘,XIE 谢 Jinlin 锦林,LAN 兰 Tao 涛,MAO 毛 Wenzhe 文哲,LIU 刘 Adi 阿娣,ZHOU 周 Chu 楚,DING 丁 Weixing 卫星,ZHUANG 庄 Ge 革,LIU 刘 Wandong 万东,the EAST Team


Abstract Many experiments have demonstrated that resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) can affect the turbulent transport at the edge of the tokamak. Through the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) density modulation experiment, the particle transport coefficients were calculated using the experimental data, and the result shows that the particle transport coefficients increase with RMP. In this study, the six-field two-fluid model in BOUT++ is used to simulate the transport before and after density pump-out induced by RMP, respectively referred as the case without RMP and the case with RMP. In the linear simulations, the instabilities generally decreases for cases with RMP. In the nonlinear simulation, ELM only appears in the case without RMP. Additionally, the particle transport coefficient was analyzed, and the result shows that the particle transport coefficient becomes larger for the case with RMP, which is consistent with the experimental conclusion. Moreover, its magnitude is comparable to the results calculated from experimental data.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Program of China


IOP Publishing







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