Pushing the limits of existing plasma focus towards 1016 fusion neutrons with Q = 0.01


LEE Sing


Abstract Existing conventional megajoule plasma focus machines with 2–3 MA are producing fusion neutron yields of several times 1011 in deuterium operation, the fusion yields predominantly being the beam-gas target. Increasing the current to 10 MA and using 50%–50% D-T mixture will scale the neutron yield towards 1016 D-T fusion neutrons. In this work, we derive the Lawson criterion for plasma focus devices with a beam-target fusion neutron mechanism, so that we may glimpse what future technological advancements are needed for a break-even Q = 1 plasma focus. We perform numerical experiments with a present-day feasible 0.9 MV, 8.1 MJ, 11 MA machine operating in 100 Torr in 50%–50% D-T mixture. The Lee Code simulation gives a detailed description of the plasma focus dynamics through each phase, and provides plasma and yield parameters which show that out of 1.1 × 1019 fast beam ions produced in the plasma focus pinch, only 1.24 × 1014 ions take part in beam-target fusion reactions within the pinch, producing the same number of D-T neutrons. The remnant beam ions, numbering at least 1019, exit the focus pinch at 1.9 MeV, which is far above the 115 keV ion energy necessary for an optimum beam-target cross-section. We propose to regain the lost fusion rates by using a high-pressure D-T-filled drift-tube to attenuate the energy of the remnant beam ions until they reach the energy for the optimum fusion cross-section. Such a fusion enhancement tube would further harvest beam-target fusion reactions by increasing the interaction path length (1 m) at increased interaction density (6 atm). A gain factor of 300 is conservatively estimated, with a final yield of 3.7 × 1016 D-T neutrons carrying kinetic energy of 83.6 kJ, demonstrating Q = 0.01.


IOP Publishing


Condensed Matter Physics

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