The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of environmental variables by combining information about the immigration of juveniles during one year. The study of population structure, growth, and morphometric relationships of Penaeus monodon Fabricius in 1798 was carried out in four zones of the Segara Anakan Lagoon (SAL(Zone I (mesotrophic/in two main rivers Cibereum and Citanduy): Zone II (eutroph/in the northeastern part of the lagoon): Zone III(eutroph/in the south-eastern part of the lagoon): Zone IV (mesotrophic/near the western channel) for one year (December 2016 - January 2017). The average carapace length (CL) during the rainy season was 36.35 mm in October and 28.61 mm in December, reflecting changes in shrimp size in the population. The morphological relationship, in terms of total length (TL, mm) and carapace length (CL, mm) of male and female shrimps were significantly correlated with TL = 15,825 + 3,225 CL (r = 0,960) and TL = 25,462 + 2,897 CL (r = 0,978), each. The allometric equations for carapace length (CL mm) and weight (W, g) are Wmale = 10-3 2.834 CL2.528, and Wfemale = 10-3 1.520 CL2, The local distribution of the shrimps suggested that the SAL represent an important nursery ground in its life history.
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