Nguyen Minh Tien,Le Anh Kien,Huynh Anh Kiet,Le Duc Trung
In this study, the author formulated the equation that describes the reaction rate (mathematical modelling) of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluen and hydroxyl radical (OH*) of v = 4.3×108×[CTNT]1.1×[COH*]3.2 and mathematical simulation for the reaction process of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluen and OH* radical. The simulation results showed a decrease in concentration [CTNT] and a reaction rate proportional to each other; during the first 0-30 minutes of the reaction, the reaction speed is very fast. From the experimental results, the authors also determined that the 2,4,6-trinitrotoluen treatment performance in wastewater of the nonthermal plasma model reached >99% when increasing the treatment time to 120 minutes.