The Abundance of Pathogenic Bacteria in Response to The Administration of Fermented Herbal Extract Vitomolt Plus into The Tilapia Cultivation Water


Sari Dwi Kesuma,Fujaya Yushinta,Sriwulan ,Hidayani Andi Aliah,Khairunnisa Andi Sengngeng,Rusdi Muhammad


Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of various concentrations of vitomolt plus added to the culture water on the abundance of pathogen bacteria. This research was conducted in August - September 2021 in Makassar, Indonesia. There were 18 containers with 30 L of volume used in this study. Juvenile tilapia about 5 cm of body length were stocked with a density of 5 fish for each container. The experimental design were designed in a completely randomized design with 6 concentrations of vitomolt treatment, namely: A (control), B (2 ppm), C (4 ppm), D (6 ppm), E (8 ppm), F (10 ppm). Each treatment consisted of 3 replications. The parameters observed were the total abundance of bacteria, types of bacteria, and the percentage of identified bacterial abundance. The results showed that the dose of Vitomolt plus treatment had an effect (P<0.05) on the total abundance of bacteria, where the concentration of 6 ppm vitomolt plus had the lowest average total bacterial abundance and the control was the highest. There were several bacteria identified with an average abundance starting from the highest, respectively, including Yersinia pseudotuborculosis, Aeromonas sobria, Staphylococcus sciuri, Spingomonas paucimobilis, Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Micrococcus luteus, and Aeromonas hydrophila. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the administration of 6 ppm vitomolt plus into the water of tilapia aquaculture has an effect on the abundance of pathogenic bacteria. The use of fermented herbal extracts can be considered as anti-bacterial in aquaculture.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering

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