The current study aimed to assess environmental sanitation knowledge of university students, especially the student of the environmental engineering department, who have take the Environmental Sanitation course. The data collect by using a paper-and-pencil instrument test and quantitatively analysed. Determination criteria of level knowledge using total scores or scores of each answer of questions in instrument test and using the normal distribution with 5 classifications. The results of data analysis have revealed that the mean scores of test are 72.1, categorized well, with the highest and lowest values are 87.5 and 25. Students who have a total score categorized as good and excellent exceeds half of the population studied (90.12%). This shows that student of 4th semester for 4 years in environment engineering department classified as good. Based on factors influence the knowledge, in this research shows that probably factor affected the level of student knowledge was 4 parameters: interest, mass media exposure, experience and social relationship.