Tsydypov B Z,Ayurzhanaev A A,Chernykh V V,Gurzhapov B O,Zh Garmaev E
The identification of spatio-temporal patterns of transformation of the Selenga river channel is an important task, which has both theoretical and practical importance. Dynamic seasonal and long-term changes in the levels and flow rates of water in the Selenga river, as well as significant kinetic energy of the flow cause a high intensity of channel processes, which must be taken into account in the construction and operation of hydrotechnical and shore protection, as well as other protective structures. A retrospective comparative analysis of the dynamics of channel deformation based on the thematic automated interpretation of Landsat satellite multi-temporal data is carried out. This, together with engineering hydrological calculations, allowed us to perform a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the results of the long-term manifestation of natural processes in a vast area occupying part of the Selenga valley from the state border to its delta. In the course of work, for the first time a map of the Selenga river channel dynamics. Areas with different types of channel stability have been identified, the channel classification has been carried out into meandering, straight and braided sections.