Dong Huihui,Han Qiang,Du Xiuli
This paper focuses on the strength reduction factor spectra for self-centering (FS) model subjected to near-fault ground motions with pulse-type based on nonlinear dynamic analysis of single degree of freedom (SDOF) system. In order to investigate the influence of the the FS model on the strength reduction factor, the ratio of the strength reduction factor of the FS model and that of Elastic-Perfectly-Plastic (EPP) model is evaluated and discussed. The ratio is larger than 1.0 and the maximum value can reach 1.35 during medium and long period. This result indicates that it is conservative for the structural design of the self-centering structure when the strength reduction factor for EPP model is used. The investigations of the effects of the post-yielding stiffness ratio and the energy dissipation ratio of the self-centering model on the strength reduction factor are also carried out.