Supiyono ,Djakfar Ludfi,Wicaksono Achmad
Air pollution is transported via human conduct [22]. The goal of this study is to determine how drivers behave differently based on their gender at a signalized intersection with a Countdown Timer. The study enrolled 50 individuals who completed a questionnaire and delivered it to Bappeda, the transportation agency, drivers who were extending the KIR (motor vehicle test) at the transportation service, and the general public via Google Form via Whatsapp (Wa). The data were collected using a questionnaire and a Likert scale and analyzed using SPSS 20 and logistic binary regression analysis. The Binary Logistic R2 Nagelkerke model is used to determine the contribution of all independent variables to the dependent variable. The R2 coefficient discovered is 0.157. (15.7 percent). With an R2 score of 15.7%, 84.3 percent of the independent variables remain unexplained. And with an exp (X1) value of 0.463, increasing X1 results in a 0.463 change in Y. As a result, when individuals agree to the yellow light, their likelihood of agreeing to gender influence increases by 0.463 times. This conclusion can be used to help stakeholders in developing regulations that need a more thorough evaluation of the use of yellow flame before and after red.