Reviewing the role of green open spaces’ feature in promoting physical activity


Khansa S M,Dewi O C,Salsabila N D,Viriezky V


Abstract The obesity rate in Indonesia has grown throughout the years and is close to the global obesity proportion. Indonesians are physically inactive and has a high proportion of overweight and obese people. It implies that sedentary behavior has long-term consequences, both for individuals and cities. Sedentary behavior is caused by several factors, including a lack of space and facilities that encourage physical activity. As public facilities accessible to various groups of users, green open spaces have the potential to promote a healthy lifestyle by encouraging physical activity. In the context of improving public health, an excellent green open space feature should provide space that is accessible to all groups and communities. This study examines how green open spaces’ feature in the Jabodetabek area encourages physical activity among its users and the possibility of impacts derived from community formation in green open spaces. Through methods of literature study, questionnaire survey, and analysis, it is found that green open spaces stimulate its users to walk more through the provision of adequate jogging tracks with annual shady trees. This finding can be used to create guidelines for the design features of green open spaces that promote a healthy lifestyle for the community and help decrease the obesity rate in Indonesia.


IOP Publishing


General Medicine

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