Various methods exist for calculating the subgrade settlements of foundations built on soil subgrade without defects and damages. The physical and mechanical characteristics of such soil subgrade are usually determined using the results of engineering and geological surveys and other methods that characterize their in-situ conditions before construction. It is usually assumed that these characteristics are constant throughout their life cycle regardless whether they get later disturbed by buildings and/or structures. In fact, the mechanical characteristics of the soils of the subgrade vary and are subject of continuous changes due to various factors. Therefore, the use of existing calculation methods often lead to inadequate estimates of settlements of subgrade and foundations of buildings and structures. Assessment of vertical deformations of soil subgrade in the zone of influence of deep pits usually falls in this category. The method for calculating the settlement of bases and foundations of buildings was developed taking into account the formation and development of defects and damages in the soil structure in the zone of influence of a deep pit. It is based on a method of layer-by-layer summation, taking into account the spatial stress state of the soil mass and changes in the mechanical state of the soil due to surcharge conditions.