Rushayati S B,Ginoga L N,Wijayanto A K,Zulhidayat H,Suryani R
DKI Jakarta as capital city, must balance urban growth and environmental conservation. Green open space in cities helps preserve ecosystem balance and support biodiversity, including butterflies. This study will collect data on DKI Jakarta’s green spaces to develop butterfly-based ecotourism to enhance ecological tourism and address environmental conservation issues. Epicollet5 mapped exploration and trapping data. In five green places, 32 butterfly species from five families were found. In Srengseng Urban Forest, 18 species were found: Tebet Ecopark, Penjaringan Urban Forest, and Monas Urban Forest, 17 species each; and in Condet Agrotourism, nine were found. The Nymphalidae family (14 species) had the highest number of species, while the Hesperiidae family (2 species) had the lowest number. Overall, green open spaces have species diversity in the medium category (ranging from 2.55-2.79), with the highest value in Srengseng Urban Forest and the lowest in Condet Agrotourism. The evenness index reveals a reasonably even amount of butterfly species in each place, while the dispersion index displays butterfly types. This is indicated by the low evenness index (≤30%) between locations. The range of butterfly species seen throughout the study location suggests that urban ecotourism could capitalise on this biodiversity.