Ardi I,Cahyaningsih S,Setiadi E
Live feed (rotifer) has an important role in fish seed production. The type of rotifers used in this study is Hexarthra mira. Hexarthra mira is included in monocyclic species which only has sexual periods in autumn and in winters Hexarthra mira is found in a dormant egg. Water quality greatly affects the growth and survival rate. This study was aimed to determine the effect of Hexarthra mira on water quality in culture media on population and production. Different stocking density as a treatments were as followed A) 1 ind/ml; B) 2 ind/ml; C) 3 ind/ml; and D) 4 ind/ml. The results showed that Hexarthra mira density can influence (P<0.05) water quality on the pH parameter. High stocking density (C and D) were significantly higher than that of A and B in term of population and production (P<0.05).