Sutarman ,Eko Prihatiningrum Andriani,Miftahurrohmat Agus
The study aimed to measure the fungistatic effect of Ipomea carnea and Trichoderma esperellum Tc-Jjr-02 biomass extracts against several fungal isolates of biological agents in vitro. Nine selected biological agent fungi were grown in PDA-chloramphenicol media containing 1% fresh extract of I. carnea biomass, four of them were grown in dual culture with isolate Tc-Jjr-02 with an incubation period of 96 hours. The results showed that the I. carnea biomass extract had a fungistatic effect by inhibiting the growth of the entomopathogenic agents Metarrhizium anipsoliae Me-Sdj-16 (27.8±3.2%) and Beuveria bassiana Be-Sj-13 (38.1±2.6%) and Be-Sdj-15 (18.6±1.0%), and the biofertilizer agents Aspergillus sp. As-Sdj-11 (46.7±1.9%), Pénicillium sp. Pc-Sdj-14 42.7±3.5%, and Trichoderma sp. Tc-Sdj-18 38.5±1.0% at 96 hours incubation period (HAI). The biocontrol agent T. esperellum gave a weak fungistatic effect against the biofertilizer agents As-Sdj-11 and Pc-Sdj-07 were 14.4±1.3% and 7.0±1.9% at 96 HAI and did not have a fungistatic effect on the biofertilizer agents Trichoderma Tc-Ba-05 and Tc-Sdj-09. Application of I. carnea biomass as green manure and some biofertilizer agents can be carried out simultaneously; while the application of T. esperellum can be carried out using biofertilizer agents As-Sdj-11 and Pc-Sdj-07 and Tc-Ba-05 and Tc-Sdj-09.