Wood quality and growth are two important parameters that need to be analyzed for the utilization and selection of superior genotypes. The objective of this research was to investigate the ten provenances growth characteristics and their physical and mechanical properties of Acacia mangium at Parung Panjang, Bogor. The provenance trial was arranged in three blocks of a randomized completely blocks design. In every provenance, 18 trees were sampled resulting in a total of 180 trees in each block representing each provenance measured for their total height, clear bole height, stem diameter at breast height, stem form, branching system, and crown form. Three individual trees were selected randomly from each provenance for wood properties traits, i.e. moisture content, density, modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rapture (MOR). Significant differences among provenances were detected for stem diameter, clear bole height, branching system and crown form, while total height and stem form revealed not significantly different. Most of growth parameters was not significantly correlated with physical and mechanical wood traits, except for MOR, it revealed significant correlation with the total tree height, stem form, and branching system. Generally, some growth characteristics were not a good indicator for selecting the best provenance in wood properties. The best growth performance was revealed by Kiriwo/Serisa WP, Bimadebun Village, and Balimo District, but from wood quality, the superior provenance was revealed by Bimadebun Village with the lower moisture content, the highest wood density, the highest MOE and MOR. The Bimadebun Village provenance is potential to be developed as provenance seed stand, especialy for solid (contruction) wood.