Cormorant is one of waterbirds which inhabit Tanjung Rejo mangrove as breeding site and feeding ground. This research is aimed to obtain economic potential of cormorant eggs as an alternative source of animal protein to coastal communities with limited economic efforts. The research was conducted during February to May 2018. Observation of cormorant nest was focused on 5 nests. Observations were conducted every two days from the first egg laying until nestlings, consisted of breeding season, clucth size, and egg morphology. Data were analyzed descriptively using MS. Excel. The results showed that the breeding season of cormorant occurred in two periods: February to May and August to December. The clutch sizes ranged from 1 to 4 eggs. Egg-laying varied on 2 to 4 d of interval and incubation began after the first egg laying. The eggs hatched after being incubated for 21-25 d. In conclusion, the eggs are one of the most important cycle for breeding succes of cormorant.