Evitayani ,Agustin F.,Warly L.,Syamsuardi ,Kasim Ivan M
This study aims to determine the nutritional values of elephant grass to save critical land and provide forage quality animal feed which decreases due to conversion. This study employed the experimental method using a randomized block design with five types of treatments and four replications (groups). Fungi Mycorrizal Arbuscula (FMA) cv. Glomus manihotis will be inoculated at a dose of 10 grams/clump. The treatments comprise of A = 100% N, P, and K without FMA; B = 100% N, P, and K + FMA; C = 75% N, P, and K + FMA; D = 50% N, P, and K + FMA; E = 25% N, P, and K + FMA. The analysis results show that the treatments on the characteristics of rumen fluid, gas production, and metabolism energy (ME) are not significantly different (P > 0.05). The pH ranges from 6.86 (E) to 6.89 (B); the N-NH3 ranges from 11.20 (A) to 13.60 mg/100 ml (C); the VFA ranges from 93.3 (A) to 130.30 mM (E); gas production ranges from 34.40 (A) to 40.42 (ml/200 mg DM) (E). To conclude, adding 25% N, P, and K Fertilizer + FMA of Glomus manihotis 10 grams is the best process for the characteristics of rumen fluids and gas production.