Rusdhi A,Julianti E,Tafsin M
This research aims to evaluate the process of making kefir with the correct method, as well as evaluate the type of milk that is best suited for the manufacture of kefir and the most appropriate fermentation to produce kefir based on physical, microbiological and sensory quality. The research was conducted for 3 months (October-December 2018). The draft used in this study of the complete randomized draft (RAL) consisting of two-factor 3 treatments and 3 repeats. The factor A is: Cow milk 100% (P1), goat milk 50% + cow milk is 50% (P2), and cow milk is 100% (P3). While Factor B is: fermentation 48 hours (S1), fermentation 60 hours (S2), and fermentation of 72 hours (S3). Results of the study showed the highest LAB contained in goat milk fermentation for 72 hours (8.69) hedonic value of the highest flavour found in the milk of fermented cow 72 hours (4.0889), hedonic value of the highest scent contained in the milk fermented cow 72 hours (4.4888), the highest value of hedonic texture found in fermented goat milk 72 hours (3.9778). Conclusion results of this research that is the longer fermentation time greatly affects the quality of kefir.