Putra D F,Muhammadar A A,Nasir M,Zulfahmi I
The research aimed to investigate the diversity and biological aspect of shrimp found in the inland water, Pidie Region, Aceh Indonesia. The purposive sampling method was used. The results showed a total of 144 freshwater were found with 19 ind M. lanchesteri in Kunyet Lake, while 135 shrimp were found in Balu Cut river with details of 8 of M. sintangense species, 23 of M. lanchesteri species, and 104 of C. endhensis species. The length-weight relationship of M. lanchesteri in Kunyet lake ranged from 5-12 mm and 0.06-11.13 g with negative allometric growth, while the length-weight relationship of M. sintengense ranged from 9-15 mm and 1.07-5,21 g, M. lanchesteri ranged from 3-10 mm and 0.06-1.25 g, and C. endhensis ranged from 2-9 mm and 0.02-0.32 g with negative allometric growth patterns respectively. The abundance value of M. sintangense, M. lanchesteri, C. endhensis was 0.08 ind/m2, 0.42 ind/m2, and 1.04 ind/m2, respectively. while the diversity index was 0.77 categorized as low diversity, the dominance index was 0.70 categorized as moderate, and the evenness index of 0.53 was categorized as moderate. Further study of shrimp genetic diversity is recommended to explore deeper information on shrimp species.