Widyayanti Setyorini,Pustika Arlyna Budi
Lodging of some rice fields in irrigated low land of Yogyakarta has been usually occured during wet season, which seem as the impact of climate change. To overcome this problem, Indonesia has been produced many new rice varieties which are adaptive to the abiotic stress such as flooding and lodging condition. On the other side, the use of bio inoculant and chemical seed dressing were suggested to increase rice yield under the abiotic stress. This research was aimed to determine the effect of new rice varieties and bio inoculant as well as chemical seed dressing to the rice growth and yield in Yogyakarta. Research was conducted on the wet season 2021/2022 at irrigated low land of rice agro ecosystem in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The research trial was designed in randomized block with 2 factors and 4 replications. Factor 1 was variety while factor 2 was bio inoculant and chemical seed dressing usage. Results showed that both variety and bioinoculant or chemical seed dressing gave positive effect to the plant height, numbers of tiller, weight of 100 grains, and root weight. Unfortunately, lodging was occurred at variety Inpari 45 Dirgahayu during the high rain intensity combine with strong wind, resulted non optimal yield obtained. However, bio inoculant of bacterium and fungi consorsia resulted higher yield, while the best yield was obtained from variety Inpari 32 HDB. As conclusion, the use of Inpari 32 HDB and Inpari 48 as new variety was promising to overcome lodging and increase the yield of Yogyakarta rice.
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