Rudenok V A,Kondrateva N P,Mazunina N I,Tikhonova O S
The paper shows the synergistic effect of simultaneous exposure to ultraviolet radiation and electron-donor solution on the seed germination of grain crops. When the seed is moistened, the biochemical processes that control the growth of the root system and stem are activated in them. The purpose of the study is to determine the presence of a synergistic effect on seed germination of grain crops with simultaneous exposure to ultraviolet radiation and electron-donor solution. It was found out that the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) is affected by the time of seed soaking, the weight of seeds and the type of grain crops. The best soaking time turned out to be 18 hours, the greatest negative ORP was in oat seeds -510 mV (100%), in barley and rye it was 487mV (95%), in wheat - 462 mV (91%). The greatest synergistic effect was obtained with a 10-minute exposure to UV irradiation of seeds at a dose of 1,882 ± 14.1 J/m2, followed by soaking in an electron-donor solution. In this case, the height of the sprouts was 108.8 mm (100%). At an exposure of 15 min (UV radiation dose 2.813 ±18.3 J/m2), the effect was slightly lower. The height of the sprouts was 107.6 mm (98.9%)