Chernichko J I,Demchenko V A,Podorozhny S N,Zhmud M Y,Suchkov S I
To estimate possible changes for some economical branches in South Ukraine which use the nature resources, three scenarios of climate changes were reviewed: increase of temperature and increase of precipitation; increase of temperature and decrease of precipitation; decrease of temperature and increase of precipitation. Impact on the Azov Sea ecosystems under these three scenarios was considered in respect of changes in salinity and temperature of water that consequently effects on ichthyofauna and fish industry. Trends of fish suffocation are also described. Agricultural risks induced by pests (on an example of the locust) under extreme high temperatures in a spring-summer season were discussed, with identification of possible distribution sites of the pest. The research carried out in the framework of the project “Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development” (2009-2013) of the 7
Framework Programme