Oktavia N I,Triastuti J,Nirmala D
Gelatin is a type of protein obtained from natural collagen found in skin and bones. One of the fishery products that is thought to contain collagen This research was conducted using laboratory experimental method in this study used a completely randomized design (CRD). The data obtained were then analyzed by ANOVA method and further test using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at a significance level of 5%. The color and aroma data were analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis method and further testing using the Mann-Whitney method. The results of the treatment of 0.2% NaOH base (P1), 0.2% CH3COOH acid (P2) and 0.2% NaOH mixture and 0.2% CH3COOH (P3) have the main characteristic results as follows: yield 13.5 %; 12.3%; 15.8%, pH 10.6; 5,6; 6.7, gel strength 241 bloom; 251 blooms; 273 bloom, viscosity 3.6 cP; 4.5 cP; 6.8 cP, 8.6% moisture content; 5.3%; 4.8%, ash content 2.6%; 1.8%; 0.8%, the color is brownish yellow (alkaline); yellow (sour); yellowish white (mixed); aroma i.e. smell (alkaline and sour); neutral (mixed). The best treatment was found in the mixed treatment (P3) NaOH 0.2% and CH3COOH 0.2%.