Characteristics of wood pellet from sawdust pelletized with the hand meat grinder


Wahyudi ,Arifudin M,Annakotapary DIM,Sariningsih NI


Abstract Sawdust of three wood species, Merbau (Intsia sp.), Matoa (Pometia sp.), and Binuang (Octomeles sumatrana), are manufactured into wood pellet using hand meat grinder as pelletizer and tapioca flour and sago pulp residue used for binding agents. Sawdust and sago pulp residue were homogenized with a hammermill to obtain 60 mesh powder sizes. Concentrations of binding agents ranging from 30 - 70% based on volume/weight were employed. Hot clean water was used for mixing wood powder and the binding agents by hands. Variables of wood pellets examined are diameter and length (cm), moisture content (%), density (g/cm3), ash and volatile content (%), fixed carbon (%), and caloric value (cal./g) according to SNI 8021: 2014. The results indicate that the wood dimension for a diameter of 0.45 cm and a length of 3.78 cm on average are matched the standard. Wood pellets have an average of moisture content 16.87%, higher than the standard of 12%. Means for density and ash content are 0.8 g/cm3 and 1.54% respectively, corresponding to the standard. An average for caloric values of 4064 cal./g is exceeded the minimum value of 4000 cal./g. However, other characteristics for the volatile matter of 74% and fixed carbon of 7.19% are below the minimum recommended value that needs to be improved for the next manufacturing.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering

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