The differences of topography in Indonesia causes drinking water distribution by Municipal Waterworks (PDAM) can’t reach up some rural areas which are far from urban area, one of them is in the Manyar Subdistrict, Gresik Regency. In fact, this subdistrict has the potential for economic growth because it is close to the north coast and there is a national port. About 10,67% of drinking water supply in rural area is held through the Community-based Drinking Water Supply which is managed and maintained by Himpunan Penduduk Pemakai Air Minum (HIPPAM). The research aim to evaluate the system and make recommendation’s from the evaluation analysis for more optimal system performance. The evaluation consist of technical and non-technical aspects were conducted by the scoring and weighting method. Tanggulrejo Village got the highest score, 4,28 (85,50%), with a very good category, while Pongangan Village got the lowest score, 2,65 (53%), with a moderate category. In general, optimal performance for this evaluation can be obtained by optimizing the existing water treatment; involving the community as meter recorder; and improving the administrator knowledge and skills through HIPPAM training.