Rahmaningtyas W.,Joyoatmojo S.,Kristiani K.,Murwaningsih T.
Environmental awareness as a strong predictor in influencing students’ green skills preparation to meet the demands of skills required in the green industry. It is undeniable that employers nowadays prefer workers who possess environmentally friendly skills to promote awareness of sustainable development in various aspects of life, such as the environment, social, and economic domains. This article aims to explore how to build a sustainable future by examining the relationship between environmental awareness and the development of work-related abilities (green skills) based on existing literature. The method used is a literature review of published articles from various academic databases such as Google Scholar, Emerald, ScienceDirect, Elsevier, Scopus, and ResearchGate. Findings from the literature review indicate that environmental awareness has a strong correlation with the formation of green skills, particularly in energy, communication, leadership, waste management, and management skills. Contributions from educational institutions are needed to generate policies that stimulate environmental awareness among students, thereby fostering the development of environmentally friendly skills.