Pattipawaej O C,Oktaviani K
Yogyakarta coastal areas in Indonesia are marine resources that affect the socioeconomics such as local trade, international trade, marine catches, and tourist attractions. The existence of activities in the marine sector creates the potential for shoreline change. The detection of coastline change, such as abrasion and/or sedimentation, using remote sensing is considered as a very effective method because the shoreline is found as highly dynamic nature. This study analyses shoreline changes in Yogyakarta coastal areas from 2010 to 2019 using satellite imageries obtained from Google Earth Pro platform and the processing data using AutoCAD software. The average coastline changes occur 2.90 m of abrasion per year at Parangtritis Beach and 1.98 m of sedimentation per year at Krokoh Beach. The effort to prevent shoreline changes at Parangtritis shore areas is by constructing coastal protection structures. Further research is needed to determine soft and/or hard coastal protection structures.
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