Yustiani Y M,Tarigan F K,Nurkanti M,Wahyuni S
Citepus River is one of the urban rivers that pass through Bandung City, Indonesia. Visually, the Citepus River water shows relatively poor condition. This study aims to examine the water quality of the Citepus River, the results of which are used to recommend river management efforts. This research was conducted using secondary data obtained from the Bandung City Environmental Agency for the 2018-2020 time duration. Assessment of river water quality is carried out by comparing water quality monitoring results with the applicable quality standards. In addition, indexation was also carried out using the Storet method. The study results show that almost all parameters exceed the Class 2 of maximum water quality standard based on Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 concerning Water Quality Management and Pollution Control. The results of calculations using the Storet method stated that the water quality in the Citepus River from the upstream segment to the downstream segment was classified as class D, which means heavily polluted, with the highest score in the middle segment at -54 and the lowest score in the upstream segment at -42, while the downstream segment, the score obtained is -52. Based on these results, management efforts can be recommended by determining the capacity, identification and inventory of wastewater sources, determining requirements and procedures for waste disposal, prohibiting waste disposal into rivers, monitoring river water quality, and monitoring wastewater quality.
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