Zaidiyah Z,Nur B M,Lubis Y M.,Nasution I S,Nadia F,Khaira U
Sourdough bread is a type of bread that has a slightly sour taste and uses natural yeast as a starter. Mocaf is a gluten-free flour made from cassava. Gluten-free flour-based sourdough bread has different physical properties such as volume expansion and porosity compared to wheat-based sourdough bread. Sourdough bread has a unique taste compared to bread in general, a sensory approach is required to get the right formula according to the panelist. This study aims to investigate the ratio of mocaf to flour on the development of volume and porosity of bread using simple linear regression. In addition, a sensory test was also carried out to assess the panelists’ preference for sourdough bread with the selected formula. The results showed that the upper limit of mocaf use in sourdough bread production was 20% based on linear regression of bread loaf and porosity. Panelis preference in hedonic evaluation for sourdough bread based mocaf remained low. Bread selected in this study had less moisture and fat content than control sourdough bread, while the ash and total carbohydrate content in sourdough bread based mocaf were higher than control. Wheat and mocaf flour ratio 80:20 produced sourdough bread with characteristics close to control bread with a moisture 27.82%, ash 2.03%, crude protein 5.26%, fat 0.52%, carbohydrates 64.37 %, crude fiber 2.04%, and energy 156.52 Kcal