Aminah Sri Nur,Mansur ,Salim ,Suyono
The plastic waste around us such as: plastic bottle and glass from drinking water very useful modified as tools for monitoring insect pests in agricultural ecosystem. The presence of insect pest in farmer plantation need more attention such as monitoring for exactly management effort. The purpose of research is to re-use plastic waste became yellow trap and pitfall trap for monitoring of insect pests attack the popular vegetables. The advantages of research as new information for community used plastic waste as tools of monitoring insects. The observation was held in kangkong and spinach plantation used pit-fall trap and yellow trap for monitoring presence arthropods in the planting season. The results was showed: the effectivity of pit-fall trap from plastic waste used for arthropods monitoring especially predator in kangkong field about 45% and insect pests 37.5%. As the comparing data, the effectivity of pit-fall trapped predator in spinach plantation about 99.2%, the lowest number in insect pests and decomposer about 0.4%, respectively. The result of yellow trap made from plastic bottle in kangkong field trapped insect pests about 43.7% and decomposer 41.1%. The trapped of insect pests used yellow trap in spinach plantation 63.4% and predator 26.6%. The conclusion of research: plastic giving more benefit as yellow and pit-fall trap for monitoring insects. The effectivities of tools depend on arthropods habit and roles as important part of ecosystem. Plastic waste has potential as monitoring tools presence insects in agroecosystem.
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