Pustika Arlyna Budi,Widyayanti Setyorini,Kobarsih Mahargono,Apri Rumanti Indrastuti,Widyastuti Yuni,Pramono Wibowo Bayu,Yolanda Kiki
Diversity of insect at the rice field gives a main impact to the stability of ecosystem. Index of diversity reflects the relationship of species abundance in the community. This research was aimed to determine the diversity of insect at some hybrid rice varieties in irrigated rice agroecosystem. Research was conducted in Sleman, Yogyakarta Indonesia from April to August 2018. The experiment was conducted using purposive random sampling. Insect samples were obtained using swing net and visual observation. Diversity index was analysed using Shanon (H), while diversity and uniformity of insect was examined using Evennes index (E). Result showed pest insects found during vegetative stage of rice consist of more species, while lower numbers were found at generative stage with less species. They were belongs to 6 orders (more than 10 families) such as Diptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Hemiptera and Hymenoptera. The dominant pest was Cicadellidae, followed by Delphacidae and Alydidae. Based on the diversity data analysis (H), pest insects and natural enemies were between moderate and high, with a range between 1.5 to 2.5. It indicates the rice field ecosystem planted with hybrid rice gave good impact and balance species diversity in the agroecosystem of irrigated rice area in Sleman Yogyakarta.