Nikiforov-Nikishin D L,Kochetkov N I,Smorodinskaya S V,Tatarenko P Yu,Matveeva D M
In this paper, the toxic effect of a complex chelate mixture containing microelements (Fe, Mn, Zn, Se, I, Cu) on Danio rerio was investigated. Chelated compounds are used to detoxify elements in the aquatic environment, as well as feed additives for various types of farm animals. The effect of chelate complexes was studied according to the following parameters: LC50, survival in chronic experience (30 days), embryotoxicity and genotoxicity by the micronucleus test method. The established LC50 value was 2.73 mg/l, the maximum allowable concentration that does not have a negative effect on adults fish and eggs was 0.5 mg/l. The genotoxic effect on erythrocytes of fish blood was not found in the entire range of sublethal concentrations. Comparison of the data obtained on the toxicity in this study allows asserting that the toxicity of chelates is lower than that of the ionic forms of the elements, subject to their complex effect. To accurately determine the safe level of exposure to chelates, additional studies on other organisms of the hydrobiocenosis are required.
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4 articles.