Biological Control of Strawberry Crown Rot Disease (Pestalotiopsis sp.) using Trichoderma harzianum and Endophytic Bacteria


Widyaningsih S,Triasih U


Abstract Strawberry crown rot is one of the diseases caused by several soil-borne pathogens. Control of the disease is quite difficult, especially on unhealthy soil condition. The study was conducted to examine the potential of Trichoderma harzianum and consortium endophytic bacteria application to control strawberry crown rot disease and resistance of strawberry varieties to crown rot disease based on control treatment. The research stages were isolation and identification of the pathogen, antagonist test of T. harzianum against the pathogen, potency test of both biological control agents to control crown rot disease on three strawberry varieties (Dorit, Rosalinda and the hybrid of Early Bright and Tokii varieties). This study used a Randomized Block Design. The results indicated that Pestalotiopsis sp. was one of the pathogens causing strawberry crown rot. The pathogen was inhibited by T. harzianum using antagonistic mechanism. Although, based on the percentage inhibition of radial growth, only 32 % of inhibition of T. harzianum against Pestalotiopsis sp. when both isolates laid out on PDA in same time. Application of both biological controls lead to the increasing resistance of three strawberry varieties against crown rot disease. The hybrid of Early Bright and Tokii variety was the most resistant varieties compared than 2 others varieties after biological control application.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering

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