Shishlyannikov D I,Shibanov D A
Processes of cutting and movement of potash ore during operation of «Ural-20R» heading-and-winning machines are followed with its breakage leading to the increase of number of non-washable powdered classes (particle size less than 0.25 mm) in the breakage products. The sources analysis of dust-like classes formation during the work of «Ural-20R» machines is performed. The regions of rational (by minimum output of dust-like classes) values of breaking parameters of potassium solid mass in use of checkered and consistent cutting schemes are defined. The analysis of the operating parameters compliance of the planetary-disk operating members of «Ural-20R» machines of various modifications with rational cutting parameters is carried out. Technical proposals on improving the operating members of «Ural-20R» machines by use of the crossed procedure of potassium solid mass breaking are reported. It is proved that the proposed solutions will reduce the number of dust-like classes in the breakage products and reduce the specific energy consumption of the potash ore production processed.