The preference and shelf life of crispy fried onions


Trisnawati W,Sari A R K,Yanti N K A T


Abstract Crispy fried onion is widely used on the food processing to improve food tasteful as additional part of the cuisine. This study aimed to understand the shelf life of crispy fried onions which packaged by using Polyethylene (PE) plastic, Polypropylene (PP) plastic and Aluminium Foil (AF), understand the consumer’s preference during storage and also the preference from external consumers. Sensory test to external consumers was carried out in Bangli, Tabanan, Buleleng Regency and Denpasar City as the centre production of onions in Bali. The estimation of crispy fried onions shelf life was determined by using Extended Storage Studies (ESS). Results showed that the utilization of AF packaging was the best packaging with the shelf life of crispy fried onions was 13 weeks following by 8.28% water content. PCA analysis result on the sensory test during storage concluded that the uses of AF packaging affected on the texture, colour, taste and overall. Additionally, consumer’s preference in Buleleng Regency was influenced by colour, consumer’s preference in Tabanan and Denpasar were influenced by texture and taste and consumer’s preference in Bangli was affected by flavour according to PCA analysis result to external consumers.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering

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