Devin ,Widaningrum Dyah Lestari
Central Kitchen is a new trend in the food and beverage industry. COVID-19 pandemic causes a disruptive economy globally. The central kitchen business is being considered to be developed because of the restriction living regulation in Indonesia and the function of this central kitchen can help the micro-business actors to develop their businesses with a lower operational cost because all of the transactions are carried out via delivery. This study aims to visualize the potential areas to develop central kitchen businesses in Jabodetabek. A GIS-based approach is implemented to carry out the geoprocessing process of spatial information to performs the spatial analysis.Overlay analysis is conducted using Kernel Density Estimation map, to identify potential areas. This study identified several potential areasin several cities to develop central kitchen businesses, namelyCentral Jakarta, West Jakarta, South Jakarta, Tangerang City, Bekasi, and Bogor.