Dharmatanna S W,Wijaya E S,Juniwati A,Sutejo M S
Indonesia is a country, rich with culture and natural resources that brings high tourism potential. Jarak village in Wonosalam is one of the villages in East Java that has these tourism potential, besides the religious harmony between the dwellers that initiates the construction of a tourism hall with the concept of sustainability. The hall reflects the harmony between man and nature. The tourism hall uses the kinetic panels from recycled compact discs as the facade, which is rotatable when blown by the wind. This research is meant to study people’s perception of the installed kinetic facade panel. Here, we divide the respondents into two groups, professionals (academician and architects), and non professionals (Jarak dwellers, visitors and general). The aspects observed are psychology, aesthetics, flexibility, impact to the environment and economics. The result is that there is a difference in perception regarding the flexibility, and also, the colour aspect of the installed kinetic facade is the most memorable aspect of the installed kinetic facade.