Damora A,Iqbal T H,Firmanhadi F,Dewiyanti I,Umam A H,Persada A Y
Conservation efforts of shrimp species in their care areas that are classified as critical habitats in the juvenile phase of shrimp need to be done, one of which is by examining the distribution of three main economically species of the genus Penaeus: Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis, and Fenneropenaeus indicus. Research has been carried out at nine stations in the Langsa City mangrove ecosystem with the stratified random sampling method. Shrimp sample collection is taken by phok which is a fishing gear for local fishermen. Phok is used by shading an area of ± 200 meters horizontally with a net with a size of 1.5 inchi mesh. A total of 122 penaeid shrimp were found in the mangrove ecosystem of Langsa City. Arusan Bupati Station has the highest percentage of penaeid shrimp found at 21.31%. The penaeid shrimp that was found was dominated by three species, namely F. indicus at 70.49%, F. merguiensis at 25.41%, and P. monodon at 4.09%. The highest percentage of F. indicus was found at Simpang Buloh station at 19.77%. The highest percentage of F. merguiensis was found at Alue Tirom station at 51.61%. The highest percentage of P. monodon was found by the Arusan Bupati station by 60%.