Marcelien D R O,Felix R,Sunadji
The growth of Kappaphycusalvarezii is one of the biological aspects influenced by the seeds of the method and the planting system in determining the carrageen content. This study aims to determine the effect of the use of seedlings resulting from the passage of thalus seaweed to the growth and carrageenan content of seaweed K.alvarezii). The method used is an experimental method with a long line system implemented in Hansisi, Semau, Kupang District waters for 5 months from April to September 2017. The results showed that the average growth of K.alvarezii cultivated during 45 days in Hansisi waters, Semau District using seeds the results of the excerpts thallus are 724 ± 15.30 g and seeds without of excerpts thallus are 546 ± 15.17 g. Carrageen content generated from seed of the excerpts thallus: 56,17% and seed without of excerpts thallus : 45,13%. Water content on seedling treatment of the excerpts thallus: 11,97 ± 0,13%, while without of excerptethallus: 17,03 ± 0,15%. Ash content on seed treatment of excerpts thallus: 28,53 ± 0, 21% and without of excerpts thallus 12,38 ± 0,04%. Average nitrate content in Hansisiwaters 1.02 - 2.3 mg / l, whereas a good nitrate content for aquaculture of 1.0 - 3.2 mg / l, phosphate content (PO4) :0.015 - 0.10 mg / l.